So I haven't written in awhile because honestly, I am completely overwhelmed. I used to think that brides-to-be were acting "silly" when they said such things, but now I am feeling them -
hardFREAKINGcore. Just when you think one thing is done, you have oh, about a million other things to do. Planning a wedding IS NOT fun. Don't let anyone trick you. Especially when you AND YOUR PARENTS get a call from the church you booked telling them you need to tell them who the priest is going to be RIGHT FREAKING NOW. When you tell them you thought you had 6 months to make this decision, they remind you that no, you only had a month to do this. The 6 month deadline was for THEM to have everything in, not you. This reminds you that your listening skills may not be as
acute as you though they were. You day then
consists of frantic phone calls to everyone that you can possibly think of. The Catholic University where you dumped SO MUCH money into tells you they cannot help you. You want to punch them in the face, but then rethink your decision in fear of being sent to hell. You then think that this is God's way of punishing you for living in sin, using his name in vain, the thousands of impure thoughts you have in one day among ever other thing your overactive imagination can think of. You wave your fist into the sky and yell "You really got me good this time, God! I promise to be a better person, I really do. Please, just let me have an officiant! I will be a good Catholic after this. I will donate money to the poor and collect all of my canned goods for the them too. I'm going to freak out here God, please throw me a bone, or you know, a priest!" Then a priest who taught you chemistry in high school calls you back and agrees to do the wedding. You breathe a sigh of relief until you realize you still have to book a photographer. A GOOD photographer, who will not only be AVAILABLE on your wedding date, but also take wonderful pictures, be friendly (most aren't, most have zero zip zilch personalities), and have a reasonable price - no easy feat. You fall back into panic mode. ESPECIALLY when you realize if the god damn Pittsburgh
Steelers which you hate with the
wrath of a thousand
fiery suns have a game the weekend of your wedding, the prices for the hotel rooms you intend to block will jump almost ONE
continue to hate the
Steelers even more now and root for them to loose every game day. You especially hate Big Ben because he reminds you of an ex boyfriend. You proceed to re-name his as "Big White Trash".
Phew. That actually felt good. Maybe I should start writing in this blog more often. OK, I promise there will be more posts, as long as your not ready to smack me across my already inflating Bridezilla head.
On the plus side, we set a date. A date that I'm not too happy with being it is later in the year than I anticipated, but the venue was too beautiful to turn down because of just a stupid date standing in my way. Want to see why? Oh *blush* I thought you'd never ask:

I know they're small, and really the pictures really do not do this place justice, but it was just so Us. Original, quirky, beautiful, Us. You know that feeling your supposed to have when you try on a wedding gown? Like, THIS. IS. THE. DRESS? Well, I had the same feeling with this place. I just knew. The trip I made to another venue the next day did not even need to be done, but I did it to please Mamma. Because if Mamma ain't happy, ain't NOBODY happy. But thats besides the point.
Oh! And the church! THE CHURCH! is my dream church. I always pictured myself walking down a looooong aisle with a cathedral length train in a Gothic style church. Sort of how Maria looked in The Sound of Music. I have even considered having the organist play "How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria" instead of "Here Comes the Bride" when I walk down the aisle. I just love the moment in that movie. It still gives me chills every time I watch it. I wish I could show you guys pictures of the church, but I can't seem to find any. Oh well, hopefully most of you will be so lucky as to be invited. And if your not - HA! OK, just kiding.
Well, that's all for right now. Hopefully more posts will ensue whenever I figure out how to reattach my head to my body. And hopefully I don't misplace my precious head before then, because you know they would always tell me, "If your head wasn't attached to your body, you would loose it." Now is my chance to prove them wrong, I suppose.